IVAR energy

Balanced touch™ for animals
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Balanced touch™ for animals


Balanced touch™ for animals is similar to the treatment for humans. The method is often very relaxing for the animal. The treatment helps the animal with any imbalances, and at the same time it can assist you and the animal in building a deeper connection with each other.

As far as time required goes, it’s largely up to the animal, but my method of treating it is similar to my treatment of humans. I will either lay my hands on the body of the animal, or hold them above its body, or I might simply sit next to the animal. It’s important that there is an air of peace and quiet so the animal can relax fully.

Balanced touch™ animal communication

Balanced touch™ animal communication helps you to understand your animal better and it also helps the animal to make its voice heard. The communication always happens on the animal’s terms, and it can be done either by distance or face-to-face. (Communication in combination with Balanced touch™ for animals is always done face-to-face.) A communication and/or a treatment session helps you to come closer to each other.

The way I work is down to earth and calm. I always work with the individual being in mind, and due to this every session is unique. Please remember that I don’t work with correcting behaviors and I don’t discipline. If you need help with problematic behavior, you should consider contacting an expert in that particular field instead. My work consists of conveying messages from the animal to you and thus I can help you understand each other better.

A communication session usually lasts between one to two hours. I will write it down and send it via e-mail to you.

I do not communicate with an animal without the consent of the animal’s human. You must be the animal’s human (the owner) and you must be 18 years or older. I do not give a diagnosis and I don’t prescribe medicines or medical procedures, and I do not make changes to any existing medical prescriptions. If the animal is suffering from a medical condition, I recommend that you consult a veterinarian.

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+358 50 35 01 081

Info regarding the booking of appointments

When you want to schedule a communication session, you can e-mail me at susanne@ivar.fi

Please attach a photo of the animal or animals in question, their names and their ages. Also let me know the sex of the animal. The photo should be as recent as possible, and the eyes of the animal need to be visible. You can also attach any questions that you may want to ask the animal. In your message, tell me briefly about potential problems you are having with your animal.


”Jag har två härliga lagottofröknar med helt olika personligheter som Susanne kommunicerade med. Hilma och Freja. Jag önskade att Susanne skulle ta reda på och förmedla till mig om det finns något som de har försökt berätta för mig, men som jag inte har lyckats förstå. Vad de är nöjda med i livet och om det finns något som de skulle vilja göra annorlunda. Om det finns något som oroar eller bekymrar dem. Hur de mår.

Allt det fick jag svar på, men de hade mycket mer att säga än så. Vi förstår varandra ganska bra jag och mina hundar, men jag förstod nog inte hur mycket de faktiskt kommunicerar med mig. Och hur enkelt det är att kommunicera med dem bara jag själv lär mig att inte göra det svårt. Via kommunikationen med Sussi berättade de också hur de uppfattar mig. Att de ser mig och ser vad jag borde göra för att må bra. De är kloka mina hundar, ibland säkert klockare än matte och husse. Det fanns mycket sanning i det de sa. Sussi lyckades med att fånga både Hilmas och Frejas personlighet i kommunikationen. Läsningen av kommunikationsberättelsen fick mig både att skratta och gråta. Jag är glad att jag fick läsa den.”

”Jag kan verkligen rekommendera IVAR energy, jag vann en djurkommunikation genom en Facebook-tävling och valde en av mina katter, en speciell herreman som inte många förstått sig på. Susanne prickade rätt på varje punkt om honom och berättade även andra saker, som fick mig att börja ändra på livet för min katt, som nu verkar vara mycket mer harmonisk. Jag blev tårögd över sättet hon beskrev honom på, nästan som om jag hörde hans röst berätta hela kommunikationen, som om hans personlighet sprakade ut genom texten.”

“Susanne Broanda’s approach to communicating with animals is astounding! When she first arrived at my facility in Ocala, FL she was unaware that I had a horse who was emotionally sad. The sad horse was my mare Sundance. She had been experiencing a deep sense of loss a few months earlier due to my frequent travels away for work. I noticed that before my first travel she became lame in her front left pastern area. In all of our 10 years together she was never lame. While my occupation is focused on working with horses and people, I listen to my horses and hear them speak to my soul.

It did not take Susanne long to feel a high vibrancy emanating from my sad horse. The vibrancy led her to my barn and as she immediately went to Sundance’s stall. I had not shared my communications with Sundance with anyone either. I didn’t tell Susanne about her lameness or sadness either – Susanne just knew. She knew in her heart and on an energetic level. It was truly exciting to see how well my mare received Susanne and how eager my mare was to talk to her. My mare is not always open and trusting of people and with Susanne, she could not wait! Immediately Susanne was drawn to her heat and as soon as she lowered herself to Sundance’s pastern, Sundance licked and chewed and began talking to Susanne. She could not wait to share what was in her heart. I was so taken back by my mare’s trust for Susanne and also how much my mare shared with her. Susanne became the median, the voice, for Sundance. I am forever grateful to have shared that experience with Sundance and to have been given the opportunity to validate my own personal conversations with my mare – ones I don’t always believe in.

I travel extensively for my work and I meet many energy practitioners and animal communicators. Susanne is by far one of the best! I am forever grateful for meeting Susanne, knowing her and most of all for receiving the opportunity to connect with my mare so deeply and lovingly. What a humbling experience. Thank you again Susanne for that opportunity.”

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