ART with a message
ART with a message
Every painting conveys a message, sometimes that message is short and clear, sometimes it is long and complicated. That depends on the beholder and what one is willing to see and face when beholding the work. Paintings can tell secrets and bring forth hidden things within the individual or within our society. They can also encourage our growth. A painting can function as a mirror or as a window, that choice is completely up to you.
Creating paintings is an interesting process for me, and each and every time a new idea or a new vision occurs to me, I become very curious about it. Once I get started with the process, I delve deep into the feelings and the message of each individual painting, and the process of creating the work is often influenced by the message that needs to be conveyed.
I use mixed techniques and I choose to use printmaking paper when I paint. The reason for that is that I appreciate how the printmaking paper works together with the colors and the brushes that I use when painting.
I wish you many rewarding moments as a viewer of my art. Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Facebook where photos of new paintings are uploaded as I finish them.
Personal and channelled painting.
You can now order a painting that is custom made for you. I use mixed techniques and I paint using thick printmaking paper. Measurements to choose from are 210 mm × 297 mm (A4) or 297 mm × 420 mm (A3). Included with the painting is a short message for you in text form. This message comes to me as I am working on your painting. As an example, the message of your painting could originate from Mother Earth, your source of origin, your spiritual guide, your guardian angels, your power animal…
My paintings are often described as powerful, healing, thought-provoking and inspiring. They are filled with messages, and they can work as either a mirror or a window – depending on what the needs of the beholder are at the moment of viewing.
To order a painting, you send a recent photo of yourself to me. You can do so either via Messenger or by e-mail ( Please also include your name and your street address. PLEASE NOTE: You must be 18 or older.
The price of your personal, channelled painting is:
A4 100€ / A3 150€
Shipping is not included in this price. You can pay by invoice, card or cash.
With love, Susanne

Contact IVAR energy
Address: Långkärrvägen 5, 65760 Iskmo Finland
Phone: +358 50 35 01 081
Hours: By agreement